Welcome to the Seedcase Project

A framework for an open and scalable infrastructure for health data

The Seedcase Project is a value-driven initiative focused on open science and open-source software. We believe that developing open-source software and offering researchers training in technical skills and knowledge can improve health and well-being research. This includes tasks related to building, managing, and sharing health data.

Our goals

The Seedcase Project is more than software, it is also about education, training, and the code itself.

Develop open-source software for health data

Software that is open-source and targeted to diverse users, like health research organizations and small-to-medium sized companies.

Create training material and run workshops

Specifically training on technical skills such as software and data engineering, while following open scientific practices.

Build and nurture an inclusive community

A community that is open and inclusive that shares knowledge, learnings, and better practices in research data engineering and software engineering.

Lead by example

By building this project as fully open as possible and applying the same principles we teach and advocate for.

Software products

Even though Seedcase Project is still a work in progress, we have a clear vision on the software we’re building.

Seedcase will take you from structuring and documenting your data, being able to browse and share it, to tending to projects using the data.

We plan to create four software products that run both separately and together:

  • sprout: Grow your data in a structured and healthy way

  • propagate: Submit requests for accessing specific data from a Data Resource1

  • flower: Catalogue and browse metadata on data in a Data Resource

  • garden: Tend to multiple projects using data from a Data Resource

The logos of the Seedcase software products.


The Seedcase Project is funded by a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, number NNF21OC0069462. See the application here.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation logo


  1. Data Resources are the central point in the Seedcase ecosystem. They are the place where data is stored and managed.↩︎